Friday, September 9, 2011

Does Child Care Affect Your Happy Child?

As we go through the process of finding child care for our son, I can't help but wonder how different options will affect his temperament.  I remember, as a child, my sister and I had a good friend who was used to getting her way.  If her parents said no, she threw a hysterical fit and they ALWAYS gave in.  So, she learned that it worked.  I am determined to teach my son that it will not work but I remember trying it on my parents.  My mother even made the comment that we had picked up the behavior from our friend.  I can't help but wonder what my son will "pick up" from the other children if he goes into daycare.

I have been searching for resources on how to "nip this in the bud" effectively - and, more importantly, how to keep it from happening over and over and over again.  My concern, also, is that he will lose some confidence because his tactics are not working and because he receives discipline with the new behaviors.  We are not spankers and don't believe in it.  I know that it is a controversial subject but we just don't roll that way.  Besides, giving him a little smack doesn't even phase him.  For us, time outs seem to work the best - he can't stand it.

My research has uncovered some useful tips for parents who wish to discourage these behaviors but don't want to rely on punishment:
  •  Don't follow the examples of other parents.  Many people discipline the way that they were disciplined as children and feel it is harmless.  However, we all know that many of those methods do not build confidence, motivate by fear and add stress.  
  • Children do not misbehave just to get to you.  Many times, they have legitimate reasons for feeling acting out such as being hungry or tired, needing information or feeling stressed by a situation.

    Get more details on raising a happy child here.

    All parents simply want the best for their child and we are certainly no exception.  Our job as parents is to arm ourselves with the information we need to raise healthy and happy adults.

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